June 30, 2008
Monday. It was Justin's birthday and yeah, I ruined his day. :(
July 01, 2008
Tuesday. I was absent. I had flu. And goodness, I couldn't breathe that day, I had this runny nose and sore throat. My head ached and my body hurt so bad.
And today, I went to school. I had fun. And I signed up for the CO. Yeah, I finally made up my mind. I'd still have to submit my medical record and I don't know where the hell will I get that. The training starts on Saturday, 4 am. I don't know how will I ever wake up at a time earlier than 4 am. Im'ma have to get myself used to my wake-up-at-2-am-and-get-my-ass-to-school-at-4-am routine. Hahaha.
This new responsibility means less time for my vices. I think I can save money from my load budget. That's a good thing, right? More money for food! Yay! Haha.
So I've finished my tiara wire sculpture which turned up to be a crown that looked like embutido/hamon wrapped in foil. And now, I'll be starting up my stained glass project. It will look something like this but only colorful.
Okay, so that was a little bit late. That was supposed to by my entry last night but the internet connection got loose and I don't know what happened. I'm doing my MAPEH project now, but there was a bit change of plans. And I'm also working on my Social Studies report for tomorrow. I won'd do my homework in Physics. I'll be too tired then. I'll just do it in school tomorrow. And I need to go to school before 5 am strikes, not 4 am. Haha. My classmate fooled me. Gaah. Okay, so I'll just update you all with every thing next time. I'm a bit in a hassle. Good bye.
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